27 Sep 2024
Prior Version
This policy applies to all residents of and visitors to the university’s on-campus housing in Provo and at the Barlow Center in Washington, D.C.
Policy Owner
Assistant to the President and General Counsel
Responsible Office
Integrity and Compliance Office
Implementing Procedures
Contents, Related Policies, Applicability

27 Sep 2024
Prior Version
This policy applies to all residents of and visitors to the university’s on-campus housing in Provo and at the Barlow Center in Washington, D.C.
Policy Owner
Assistant to the President and General Counsel
Responsible Office
Integrity and Compliance Office
Download a PDF of this document
Campus Fire Safety Act Policy

As part of its commitment to providing “an environment . . . sustained by those moral virtues which characterize the life and teachings of the Son of God” (BYU Mission Statement), the university strives to create an on-campus housing environment that is safe and adheres to all federal campus safety laws, including the Disclosure of Fire Safety Standards and Measures (Campus Fire Safety Act), 20 U.S.C. § 1092(i).

For information about the university’s fire safety program, visit

No Smoking or Open Flames in On-Campus Housing

The university prohibits smoking and open flames in on-campus housing. The university also regulates portable electrical appliances as described in the Campus Fire Safety Act Procedures.

Procedures to Follow in Case of a Fire

The university’s Campus Fire Safety Act Procedures detail how an on-campus resident or an employee should respond to a fire that they create or encounter and what to do in response to a fire alarm.

Fire Safety Education and Training Programs

The university offers fire safety education and training programs to all students living in on-campus housing as described in the Campus Fire Safety Act Procedures.

Federal Law Controls

If discrepancies exist between federal law and this policy or the Campus Fire Safety Act Procedures, federal law controls.