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Implementing Procedures
Related Policies
Contents, Related Policies, Applicability ▾
The employment relationship between Brigham Young University and a staff employee exists at the will of either party and may be terminated at any time and for any cause whatsoever or no cause, other than for reasons prohibited by law. In addition, no employee or officer of the university, other than one authorized in writing by the president, can make a commitment to a person for employment in a staff position for a specified period of time or contrary to the university’s policy of at-will employment. Those who act in a manner inconsistent with the university’s at-will policy are not authorized to do so. Employees may not rely on an oral or implied-in-fact contract.
Disciplinary action may result from, but is not limited to, employee misconduct, insubordination, unsatisfactory performance, unacceptable behavior, or ecclesiastical action. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, verbal counseling, written warning, suspension, and termination. The responsibility and decision to discipline or terminate an employee rest with line management in consultation with the manager of Employee Relations. Employees may also bring their concerns to the Employee Relations office at any point in the process.
See Staff Discipline and Termination Procedures for additional information.