24 May 2021
Prior Version
Sep 1994
This policy applies to faculty.
Policy Owner
Academic Vice President
Responsible Office
Faculty Development
Contents, Related Policies, Applicability


24 May 2021
Prior Version
Sep 1994
This policy applies to faculty.
Policy Owner
Academic Vice President
Responsible Office
Faculty Development
Download a PDF of this document
Scholarly Work Policy

Scholarship is an important and necessary part of the mission of Brigham Young University. “Scholarly research and creative endeavor among both faculty and students . . . are essential and will be encouraged” (Mission Statement). In addition to typical higher education research, BYU particularly values scholarship that enhances the student experience by keeping faculty active, current, and intellectually immersed in their disciplines, and by providing mentored experiential learning opportunities for students.

Standards, Priorities, and Expectations for Scholarly Work

University scholarship priorities are periodically addressed by university administrators and the Board of Trustees, often during the annual University Conference. Faculty scholarship expectations are enumerated in the university’s Rank and Status Policy and in approved college and department rank and status documents. Additional scholarship principles and guidelines specific to faculty in Religious Education are available in the Church Educational System document Strengthening Religious Education in Institutions of Higher Education.

With few exceptions, scholarly work at BYU is expected to undergo critical external review by a scholar’s peers.

Funding Scholarly Work

The university provides internal support for many types of scholarly work. External research funding is also important in disciplines where that funding can increase the quality of scholarship and expand or enhance the student experience. Obtaining external funding may be considered a desired, or even required, component of a faculty member’s scholarly contribution, if so defined in approved department or college documents describing faculty expectations. The Board of Trustees has not limited the amount of external mission-consistent research funding that can be accepted at the university. Large programs that include subcontracting to other universities or research institutes are acceptable and encouraged if a significant part of the research effort takes place at BYU.

Work-for-hire contracts in which the results are supplied only to the sponsoring organization are generally discouraged unless the grants support other research projects or other university needs in some direct way.